A lot of people keep wondering if there is any distinction between a bike and a motorcycle; not just a bike but dirt bikes. Both are regarded as two (2) wheeled vehicles but differ in body design, construction, headlights, and material. Each of them is designed to meet the riders’ taste as they are not ridden in the same terrain. The street motorcycle differs from the dirt bike in the following:

  • Tires: the dirt bike tires are narrow and built with an extra tread and nod for traction. They are narrow so they can aid in fast and easy maneuvering of their path. Motorcycles tires are usually wide with low traction needed. The wide tires are adapted for a smooth ride and in turn, provide stability to the bike
  • Frames: just like the tires, the frame of dirt bikes are smaller and lighter than the motorcycle. This light design allows them for easy maneuvering without necessarily burdening the rider. Having a heavy metal frame is simply meaning that the suspension will be burdened and the bike’s controls and manipulations will be difficult. The frame design of the motorcycle is built with heavy metals which give it stability.
  • Suspension: the suspension of the motorcycle is limited as it is designed for cruising on flat surfaces. Unlike the counterpart, the dirt bike is designed to absorb all kinds of shocks coming from jumps, rough roads, hills, or bad tracks. Therefore, the dirt bike is equipped with a suspension system that utilizes hydraulics and spring shocks. However, that doesn’t mean that most motorcycles don’t have a hydraulic system for their suspension.
  • Seats: the seat of both bikes differs as the dirt bike has a narrow and smaller seat than the motorcycle. The motorcycle seating position is adapted for comfort and for an easy smooth ride as it has a backward positioning with high handlebars whereas the dirt bike has a forward positioning with low handlebars which gives the rider maximum control of movement and visibility.
  • Size: on a general note, dirt bikes are smaller than motorcycles. The tires, frames, and seats are narrower, lighter, and smaller when compared to a motorcycle that has a heavy metal frame design and a wide tire for stability.   

There are different types of dirt bikes and they include motocross, trail, endure, dual-sport, supermoto, hill climb dirt, and flat track dirt bike.