Teaching your kid how to ride a bike is not easy. Sometimes both the parent and the kid have their worries about the process. Precisely, a study by Schwinn found 55% of parents worried about teaching their kids how to ride a bike, and 36% of them wished that someone else would teach their kids on their behalf. 

Nonetheless, teaching a child how to ride a bike without training wheels is not as difficult as thought. Actually, with our easy steps, you can be confident to manage the training being sure that your kid will learn the skills without struggles. However, you need to understand that every child learns to ride a bike at their own pace. Nonetheless, these tips should make your kid learn pretty faster than they would when teaching themselves how to balance and ride. 

Make the kid want to learn the bike without training wheels – When the motivation comes from within, it is easier to make the kid learn the bike without training wheels. Do not force the kid to learn how to ride. You can instil the desire to learn if you want to go out riding with your kid this coming summer. When they are attracted to the learning process, the training becomes easy. Kids between 3 to 8 years can perfectly learn how to ride a bike with the nest easy training. 

Make them wear safety gear – One of the great fears of kids in bike riding training is falling and getting hurt. However, when you make them wear the helmet, knee pads and other safety gear, these fears are reduced, and a confident kid is easier to train a sceptical and paranoid kid. 

Choose the right size of the bike to teach your kid without training wheels – the size of the bike is essential to the training experience of the kid learning to ride a bike. The size of the bike should enable the kid to touch the ground with both feet while on the bike. This gives them the courage that they can coaster the bike with their feet when they are unable to apply the brakes. 

Find the right location for the training – Kids are embarrassed about their failures to learn when they are informed of their peers or age groups. Therefore, a school playground or park may make your kid embarrassed and paranoid, affecting their learning pace. Therefore, check out for flat ground with some gentle sloping place as you would need these two grounds to make the kid learn different skills. Ensure the place is safe, silent and without much movement. 

Give the kid orientation of the bike parts and their uses- Even if your kid knows how the bike looks, mention the essential bike parts to grab their attention to the uses. Ensure that you inform them of the breaking parts and the need to learn how to break both by their feet coaster and the braking system. Stopping the bike is a safety measure in riding. Let them learn that first. 

Start with learning the balance – Balancing is the fundamental step in learning how to ride a bike. Therefore, make it the first step to teach your kid to do. Help the kid get on the bike with your support and push them to have the bike riding. Gradually remove your support in short distances and make the kid learn how to balance their bar levers forces between both hands. 

Find a gentle slope and let eh child get the move without pushing them – After learning balance and breaking, the kid should be able to get themselves started without much of your support along a gentle slope. Ensure that they don’t go too far from yourself as they may need your support to climb up the slope again. Use the slope to ensure that they know how to stop when they wish by breaking. 

Make them learn how to turn – training your kid how to ride a bike on the flat ground may be easy, but turning is another nightmare. Make them learn how to turn first without pedalling, and when they grasp the skill, they can turn with pedalling. Gradually remove your support and have them turn by themselves while pedalling without your support. 

Training them how to ride up the slope – while going down the slope may be easier because of the gravitational push, learning how to ride up the slope may require some skills. Support your kid to learn how to maintain pedalling while riding up the slope and gradually remove your support again. Make them learn how to strive the pedals to push the bike up the slope.

Do not give up – Every kid learns how to ride at their own pace. Therefore, do not give up on training your kid how to learn the bike without training wheeling. Celebrate the little achievements your kids make in the learning process, which motivates them to keep up their efforts. You need to be loving and humorous to motivate the kids that it is doable. 

The above tips should help you make your kid learn how to ride a bike without training wheels easily. The training sessions are not as difficult as many people think. With the right training tips, you can navigate the process with ease and fun. Make your kid feel that you are there for them and that the learning is doable. Do not give your kid stories of how hard you learn the process. Listening to whatever stresses you to learn can be a put off to their learning process. If you do not have a motivating memory of your learning how to ride a bike, then avoid giving the story. You may not manage to lean the whole process in a fortnight. Take a day at a time with your kid following these easy to follow tips and win every skill at a time. Ensure that the weather is conducive to motivating the kid to learn as winters may not be the best season to make the kid leaner how to ride without training wheels.