Finding the right bike size for an adult is essential if you want to enjoy every ride with comfort and with ease. Adult bikes just like any other bikes are available in various colors, designs, and even sizes. Most of the time, adults are not too picky when it comes to the bikes they purchase however one should bear in mind that the size contributes greatly toward comfort, manageability, and safety. Having the right size that fits the right occasion or purpose will guarantee a safe and enjoyable ride on your bike. In this article, we’ll share with you some of the things that you need to bear in mind when looking for the right size of bike that fits your requirements.

Understanding The Bike Size

Before we get right to finding the right bike size that suits your needs, let us first try to understand why the size of the bike is important. Also, what are the parts that are being measured when talking about bike size?

In this regard, the most important dimension of the bike size is the frame of the bike. The frame of the bike makes almost 65% of the bike which makes it the most significant factor when it comes to size. Using the frame size, you’ll be able to assess the right bike size for you according to your body measurements such as your height, leg reach, and others.

Among the measurements that you need to consider for the right frame size include your inseam measurement, arm length, and torso. The inseam measurement starts from the crotch when you are seated on the saddle or seat, and ends toward your foot. The arm length on the other hand is measured starting from the top of the shoulders toward your knuckles. Lastly, the torso size is measured starting over the spin just below the neck toward the crotch or saddle.

Listed below is the recommended frame size for specific height and inseam measurements.

Height Inseam Length Bike Frame Size

4’10” – 5’1” 25.5” – 27” 18” – 19”

5’0” – 5’3” 26.5” – 28” 19” – 20”

5’6” – 5’9” 29.5” – 31” 20” – 21”

5’8” – 5’11” 30.5” – 32” 22” – 23”

5’10” – 6’1” 31.5” – 33” 23” – 24”

6’1” – 6’3” 33” – 34.5” 24” – 24.5”

6’2” – 6’5” 34.5” – 36” 24.5” – 25”

Finding Your Adult Bike Size

Now that you understand the things about bike size and measurement, let’s move on to finding the right bike size that fits you as an adult. In this regard, there are a few ways to determine if the bike size is right for you. They are as follows:

Using Charts

One of the most effective ways to determine if a bike size is right for you is to simply refer to charts. The chart provided earlier refers to the frame size, inseam length, and height, however other charts use other dimensions such as arm length, and torso length or size. These charts provide you with accurate numbers that would help you determine which size you belong to. All you have to do is be mindful of the dimensions of parts of the body that is detailed on the chart. If you are planning to purchase a bike by using charts, make sure to have your body dimensions ready for easy reference.

Testing The Bike

If you want a more straightforward approach in determining if the bike has the right size for you is to test it out on the road right away. This is especially effective if you have access to the bike right away, or if you are in the bike store yourself. With the bike ready to be used, there is no better way to determine if it fits you than to take it for a quick ride.

Test the size of the bike trying to mount it. Next is to feel if your arms, legs, and back are comfortable with the seat, handles, and pedals. If you’re having a hard time reaching the pedal with your foot or the handlebars with your hand then the bike is simply too big for you. Your back should be comfortable as you reach for the handlebars. If you feel that you are straining your back or if you’re curling too much just to reach the handlebars, and if your arms cant rest completely on the handle, you’ll know that the bike isn’t the right size for you.

Custom-Size Bikes

If you are unable to find the right size of bike for your needs, you can also refer to custom-sized bikes. These bikes are made with adjustable or customizable parts to allow for better fit and comfort for the rider. Some of these bikes include adjustable parts such as the frame, fork, wheel size, seat height, handlebar length, and many others. Simply ask for the help of the vendor or supplier to guide you through the adjustments.

Purpose Of The Bike

Sometimes the right side of the bike can also be determined by the purpose for which you are using the bike. Like for example if you’re looking for a bike for racing, you’ll need a bike with a rather bigger frame and higher seat. Likewise, if you want a bike for off-roading, you will need a bike with a medium frame with larger and thicker wheels. Having an idea of the particular purpose of the bike can narrow down your choices to just a few. Simply refer to the seller about the particular bike purpose you are looking for and they will direct you to your best options.

The size of the bike is very essential to achieving a safe, comfortable, and convenient riding experience. Before you head out to find your ideal bike, make sure to have measured your body dimensions to match the bike chart requirements. Also, have a definite idea of where you will use your bike for. It is also important to know the features that allow the bike to be adjusted or customized to fit your requirements.